free standing canopy suggestions?


Nice. Do you know what model you have? Amazon has a bunch...
I was surprised by the price tag, but they offer spare parts for everything. that's pretty cool.

Hmm, I'll try to remember to look up the model info when I get home but mine is 10x10 and steel. I think I bought it back in 2011, maybe? It's a heavy sumbitch for sure. At the time, I think the price tag was below $150.
I just bought this but do not have it yet. I also wasn't sold on a dedicated vehicle awning. This Slumberjack seems to be very versatile and can free stand or be set up in many different configurations. I also have an EZ UP type canopy I use for the dirt bikes at the track but as mentioned they suck setting up by yourself and will get destroyed in any strong winds. Hopefully the Slumberjack was a good choice. I got it for $99 with free shipping from Amazon.

Also looks like they have a new version that has a screen attached.
Ive had a roadhouse tarp for a few years now, and it's great. Been used and abused and still looks good. The new one with screen is on my list now. Thanks for the heads up


we've been using the same ez up 10x10 vantage for around 8 years gets put in the carry bag with the top attached and i don't think it's ever been's just now starting to get tiny pin holes and it's been put up/taken down well over 300's gone through hail,torrential rain,wicked windstorms blazing summer sun for days on end and even a freak snowfall.and 1 person can very easily put it up.we also have the privacy wall and the screen surround but we don't use them very often.still nice to have though.and you can order replacement parts from the feet to the can even get a tent and corner wall for a toilet/shower for them now.
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Costco has the coleman "ez up" on sale for $99 (i think). I don't know the quality, probably decent. They also have another EZ up type canopy that is $199 (I think) that I have tried and is high quality.


Active member
My Ez-up is over 15 years old and still going. It is heavy, because it is overbuilt for what it is. Been through many a storm, and I haven't replaced a single part on it.

If you can deal with the weight and space it takes up during transport, you will not be disappointed. It is easier to set up and move around with 2 people, but it can be done with one person too, just takes a little more effort.


New member
Like the OP, I'm shopping for a canopy that is capable of being left up for a few days, rain or shine. I am surprised at how many I see that state that they are not meant to be left up in the rain. Ummm, isn't that the point?

I'm looking for a portable & flexible solution in the campsite. I've tried canopies attached to the vehicle, all manner of tarp engineering, and I'm realizing a pop-up is what I want.

Thanks for all the suggestions here so far. I'm liking the eurmax, but it looks BIG in the bag.
The Eurmax and the EZ-Up that looks like it are the ones to get, but they are heavy. The angled leg type canopy (the less expensive options out there) aren't durable. I've spent many a Saturdays under an EZ-Up at the racetrack. Very few problems with those. Main one - canopy drift in strong winds.

And I'm in the PNW, so I know the struggles with weather. Worst case scenario is you take the canopy off the frame and wash it with Nikwax or similar. I've seen people hook 3 10x10 canopys with walls in their campsite. Seems a bit of overkill since most of us go camping/outdoors to "get away from it all." And just recreate it in the wild.

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