"Get the lead out"


Shifty, as an avid duck hunter, who can remember the switch over to steel shot only vaguely as a young hunter, I would argue that the "wounded bird" theory is a bit of a red herring. In the context of millions of waterfowl performing a rather tortuous migration that kills thousands upon thousands naturally, hunters have an extremely small impact on overall mortality numbers. Like an insignificant number that's almost lost in the error rates of the population swings. So duck wounding rates from hunting is so small, even with steel shot, its not worth arguing over except in the context of learning your weapon and its efficacy with the required ammunition.

Does it suck to wound a duck (or any critter for that matter)? You bet. Can you duck hunt with steel shot effectively and have low cripple rates? Absolutely. We aren't perfect, but my hunt partners and I have very low cripple rates with steel shot - and we shoot A LOT of ducks. It takes patience, hard work and practice. Which as it turns out is the fun part....

Is it nice to shoot ducks with lead shot? You bet, I do it most years (in Arg) and its a blast and there is absolutely no question there is a stark difference between lead and steel shot. Anyone that tries to convince you otherwise, has no clue what they are talking about.

But having worked at a couple duck clubs and wildlife areas in my day, the amount of shot left on the ground after the water recedes showed me that at least the waterfowl lead shot switch was good for the resource overall. So I can live with it.

However, the looney bin lead bans like Kali I simply cannot get behind.


Shifty, as an avid duck hunter, who can remember the switch over to steel shot only vaguely as a young hunter, I would argue that the "wounded bird" theory is a bit of a red herring. In the context of millions of waterfowl performing a rather tortuous migration that kills thousands upon thousands naturally, hunters have an extremely small impact on overall mortality numbers. Like an insignificant number that's almost lost in the error rates of the population swings. So duck wounding rates from hunting is so small, even with steel shot, its not worth arguing over except in the context of learning your weapon and its efficacy with the required ammunition.

Does it suck to wound a duck (or any critter for that matter)? You bet. Can you duck hunt with steel shot effectively and have low cripple rates? Absolutely. We aren't perfect, but my hunt partners and I have very low cripple rates with steel shot - and we shoot A LOT of ducks. It takes patience, hard work and practice. Which as it turns out is the fun part....

Is it nice to shoot ducks with lead shot? You bet, I do it most years (in Arg) and its a blast and there is absolutely no question there is a stark difference between lead and steel shot. Anyone that tries to convince you otherwise, has no clue what they are talking about.

But having worked at a couple duck clubs and wildlife areas in my day, the amount of shot left on the ground after the water recedes showed me that at least the waterfowl lead shot switch was good for the resource overall. So I can live with it.

However, the looney bin lead bans like Kali I simply cannot get behind.

As you may guess, I am young enough to have only shot waterfowl with steel. And I totally agree with you, with sufficient ethical practices, and experience one can limit the amount of cripples with steel. When we rarely have a cripple all I hear from the old guys is "lead would have him in our bags." It is simply the yahoos out there who watched a season of Duck Dynasty and got out there and just started shooting at everything that makes me curious. But then again, it might be better that those guys don't have success their first season so they either go out with someone experienced and responsible their second year or stick to the skeet range.


Couldn't agree more. Its hard to feature how one man (The Duck Commander) can do so much positive for duck hunting only to see his family (The Duck Dynasty) offset it so much. Having shot lead at waterfowl (and just about any other game animal with wings) there isn't any comparison so the old timers aren't wrong but they weren't always known for their careful shot selection either proving that poor sportsmanship isn't a generational issue....

In short, I'm supportive of changes that are founded in solid resource management and biology. The challenge these days is that even the scientists and biologists that we charge with performing these studies can't be trusted to not carry bias so I've reverted back to my Missouri roots - Show Me!. Which, admittedly isn't the best way to manage our natural resources either as I am not a biologist.

The Kali lead ban is unconscionable and if its turns out to be something "coming to a theater near you" I will be forced to make some tough choices.

Mickey Bitsko

Forget about banning plastic bags (pet peeve) killing millions of sea creatures and birds yearly..
But, let's get the lead out.. uh huh..
Lead= buzzword
Gotta love lobbyists..



While the motivation for this law is debatable, there are plenty of quality lead-free ammo options available and compliance won't be a problem. I've been hunting lead free in CA for about 5 years.



While the motivation for this law is debatable, there are plenty of quality lead-free ammo options available and compliance won't be a problem. I've been hunting lead free in CA for about 5 years.


With all due respect, I would prefer to be the judge of what is, or is not, considered quality ammunition options. Especially so in the face of silly legislation that's clearly not rooted in any defensible science or even anecdotal information.

Think I'm wrong? Come spend a weekend with me shooting Sage Rats in SE Oregon and witness the thousands of perfectly healthy crows and other carrion eaters cleaning up the fields day after day.


There are lots of “silly” laws that I wish I could ignore at my discretion. And CA’s lead ammo ban is certainly one of them. That isn’t the reality I face and I’m not interested in getting fined or losing my hunting license. Thankfully, markets work and the lead free options cover my needs just fine. I recognize that might not be the case for everyone.

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