Gun for gx460 secret trap door


I just looked at the Honey Badger by Q, and I think it will fit but it's $2400

What's the current wait time on a SBR? Still over a year or have things settled down? But that time you might have crashed the car and gotten a new rig. Is there a way to cut a hole in the side of the compartment that would allow for extra length (for a barrel or something) while not compromising the lid?

every Kel tec I have ever owned has had a total failure or been recalled for the threat of one. I like the idea and size of it but not their track record. I did find out a 10/22 take down fits there perfectly but not sure how to post pics here yet. I'll work on it. Still wanting something with more punch than a 22 but it sure beats a sharp stick.


ive put a couple thousand rounds through mine and no issues were they gen 1 or 2? i heard horrible things about the 1s but way less on the 2s
ive put a couple thousand rounds through mine and no issues were they gen 1 or 2? i heard horrible things about the 1s but way less on the 2s

mine was a gen 2. Bought it brand new, took it home, 3 days later it was recalled for possible explosions. my previous PF9 had the frame crack after 50 rounds and a week before I had to spend a week in a bad part of Atlanta.
Glock 17 with 8 or 10 extra mags loaded with hollowpoints. Fill anything left with extra ammo.

I thought the center console or even locking glove box would be my better bet for a pistol. I typically carry a handgun when/wherever legal. I wanted something with a little more reach in case I needed to bunker in place or get home through a bad time.


around 19" oal. SBRing isn't too hard or expensive.

I have a Zenith MP5 SBR and an M92. I like the M92 a little better. The MP5 is quiet. the M92 is quite the opposite.


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