Gun for gx460 secret trap door


I'm a bit late to the party, but I say draco nac9 or chiapa pak 9. 9mm AK pistols, super small & I think the draco even takes glock mags
I thought the center console or even locking glove box would be my better bet for a pistol. I typically carry a handgun when/wherever legal. I wanted something with a little more reach in case I needed to bunker in place or get home through a bad time.

is the usa really so bad these days this is an actual concern people have???? i have friends and family that grew up in South africa during Apartheid and fought in the bush wars in Rhodesia, and they dont even have that mentallity. and they still travel to these countries for work. is this how unsafe the US has become??

this is not a criticism, just a question cause i used to spend alot of time in Pheonix and florida and tenesse and stuff years ago and never worried.( and i am a gun owner and user, and have been trained to shoot no matter what is going on around me, with whatever hand can hold the gun lol) but i dont go around worrying i'll need one at the drop of a hat.

gringo m

is the usa really so bad these days this is an actual concern people have???? i have friends and family that grew up in South africa during Apartheid and fought in the bush wars in Rhodesia, and they dont even have that mentallity. and they still travel to these countries for work. is this how unsafe the US has become??

this is not a criticism, just a question cause i used to spend alot of time in Pheonix and florida and tenesse and stuff years ago and never worried.( and i am a gun owner and user, and have been trained to shoot no matter what is going on around me, with whatever hand can hold the gun lol) but i dont go around worrying i'll need one at the drop of a hat.
No the U.S. isn't that bad. It's that good that we can still arm our selves if we wish to do so. Most people from other countries won't understand, and that's o.k.
id arm my self if i could when im out in the woods ( i hike/camp in cougar bear country) but the mentality to "hunker down and fight my way out"...that just seems hard to fathom in what everyone says is a safe county, this isnt a war zone like libya or syria.

either way, i like the mp5 with a folding/adjustable stock, should only be about 19 inches long all folded up.

and FREEDOM sure about that???


Regardless of what you put in there and all the external security available I for one am very uncomfortable without some added hard mounted hardware to prevent or delay theft? Just my old school .02.
is the usa really so bad these days this is an actual concern people have????

I live a low-risk life style. I don't do drugs, live in a terrible area, go out much after 2 am, etc. In my 35 short years on earth I have needed to draw twice, shown an attempted home invader that I was armed once, and been thankful I had it about once a year. It's not that bad here, but I've found that polite society is about one bad incident from getting ugly. Where I am is actually close enough to Mexico to have cartel activity in parks I've visited and malls I've shopped in. I'm of a "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it mentality". I'm not interested in trusting my safety 100% to the same government that runs the DMV or VA medical care.


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i just picked one up in 9mm Glock for when were out and about in the desert on minibikes. its the size of small laptop.

I love mine as a pack gun once trump loosens up the ITAR regs to the point of the fact that a stock is still considered a no go item for none FFL shippers . I plan on picking up a RLP rotating fore stock and hang a red dot on mine for plinking grouse .

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