How Do You Mount Your Fire Extinguisher?


Rock Stacker
I used to have a large boat

I've been there! What is the old pun? Two best days of a boat owners life? Twin SB's are a good choice though if you cannot go diesel.

We have gone to "renting" now. Mostly good. We chartered a 26' center console for day cruisng in the BVI's last spring break and it had a 2 stroke yamaha outboard, big engine but the oil injector was bad and the alternator was not charging (as I learned). My fam talked me into getting pizza when I knew we should be headed back to port before dark. Well it died, I mean dead, no electric power. I had a cheapo baofeng programmed to marine freqs and a Garmin hand held. My wife for some odd reason had a really bright LED light that flashed red too. We marked our spot and called it in. Thought we better look into putting on some life jackets, they were rotton. We drifted over 2 miles, right between virgin Gorda and the dogs. The guy who showed up to tow us in was "carribean drunk". FUN TIMES!!

I chose the AFFF due it's ability to clean up easy. Plus, the wetting agent has a added benefit of dropping temps to below flash point quick. In my "imaginings", I could see my jeep with it's hood pinned and no way to get an ABC or halon to the source. I also put one nozzle right over the gas tank. Just in case.
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Active member
I've been there! What is the old pun? Two best days of a boat owners life? Twin SB's are a good choice though if you cannot go diesel.

We have gone to "renting" now. Mostly good. We chartered a 26' center console for day cruisng in the BVI's last spring break and it had a 2 stroke yamaha outboard, big engine but the oil injector was bad and the alternator was not charging (as I learned). My fam talked me into getting pizza when I knew we should be headed back to port before dark. Well it died, I mean dead, no electric power. I had a cheapo baofeng programmed to marine freqs and a Garmin hand held. My wife for some odd reason had a really bright LED light that flashed red too. We marked our spot and called it in. Thought we better look into putting on some life jackets, they were rotton. We drifted over 2 miles, right between virgin Gorda and the dogs. The guy who showed up to tow us in was "carribean drunk". FUN TIMES!!

I chose the AFFF due it's ability to clean up easy. Plus, the wetting agent has a added benefit of dropping temps to below flash point quick. In my "imaginings", I could see my jeep with it's hood pinned and no way to get an ABC or halon to the source. I also put one nozzle right over the gas tank. Just in case.
Thats a great idea over the tank. Halon probably wouldnt have worked with the bottom of the engine open to fresh air. Your boat rental sounds typical for the Caribbean, good you had your Baofeng and your Garmin. I was the manager of the West Marine in Orlando for 10 years. Got a fax from corporate one morning titled “bad publicity” Tow Boat U/S which is affiliated with West. One of their boats was dispached to tow a boat in near Sebastian Inlet. The Captain was so drunk he got lost towing them back in, he couldnt figure out which way west was! The driver of the boat being towed had to drive the tow boat back into port. The fax instructed me to tell all our employees not to talk about it with the customers. I could write a book on the stupid ******** I saw. Sometimes when the clowns would leave the store we would look at each other, would laugh and say “ they are all going to die or be on the news”! Some people just dont get it.
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Rock Stacker
I've been one of those guys you mentioned. LOL

My very first "boat experience" (maybe 1995ish) was in France along a canal. I do not speak french, my wife is proficient but not fluent. So, this guy that is checking us out on the boat wants me to do these specific maneuvers. He's speaking French and my wife is translating, Somehow it went perfect, I mean even I was like "wow, that was easy". So we leave the dock and about 400yds out is our first lock. I tied up too tight and the flow out was too fast. Got wedged and the whole time the French lock keeper is watching. When we finally get loose and the gates are open he shouts "Bon Chaunce". I was wigged for the rest of the trip.


I am sure most have seen the recent blog post of the Jeep burning up in Oregon. This got me to thinking... I have a trailer with me a lot. I have extinguishers mounted in all 3 of my off road vehicles and my FWC Camper has one. However, I have nothing on trailer that could be the easiest access if needed for self or others. What are you using for an extinguisher mounted on the exterior? Looking for solid mount protecting from elements.


Kapitis Indagatoris
A simple mounting bracket under the front of driver seat of my 60. I haven't needed it yet, but after 30 years along the highway I've thrown a lot of extinguisher powder on vehicle fires....never really been happy with the results of a small extinguisher once the fire gets going. Usually they only give you just enough time to remove people or property and get away. IMG_0055.JPGIMG_0056.JPG


Kapitis Indagatoris
The way I caught on to this I was helping the Coast Guard Aux do boat inspections. The constant pounding and vibration will pack the powder to where the extingusher will not function properly.

Yep. It'll happen riding in a vehicle as well. Simply remove, turn upside down and whack the base with a rubber mallet a couple of times. That'll loosen it up. Great suggestion about doing it once a year aswell!


Heck, I notice that the ~$10 in change that have in my change cup gets noticeably packed down after doing a bunch of dirt road/trail driving.
I was able to mount an extinguisher under the driver's seat of my FJ-60, using the existing factory jack keepers attached to the floor sheet metal. Bungee's hold the extinguisher, and it can be quickly pulled from the side if needed.


My XJ:



Note that mount also locks in the floor mat so that it cannot shift under my feet.





Actuator lid off:

Remove for flight:
NIce clean install! I have installed many on board systems in race cars and if I were you I would consider moving the nozzles lower down and out of harms way. If you rolled, they might get crushed where they are. Also closer to and pointing at the most likely ignition sources like the exhaust/oil pan area or the carb/fuel lines/regulator.

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