Lets talk security


As the title suggests. I have been noticing (in my area especially) a drastic increase in stolen full sized trucks. More specifically, 9th and 10th gen F350's with either the 7.3 or 6.0. Others have certainly experienced the same fate, but for some reason the Fords are getting all the attention lately.

I'm curious to hear what the community here thinks about security measures. Whether it be alarms, GPS tracking, cameras, just a switch to prevent spark/fuel, or a roof mounted auto targeting mini-gun. Theft is highly intrusive and can really ruin ones day especially if 100% reliant on a vehicle. For me, I really worry about this in my area as time progresses, and wish to do something about it especially since work will require leaving the vehicle unattended for long stretches at a time in an unsecured parking location.

So what do you all think? I'm sure I'm not the first to consider taking somewhat extreme considerations to keep my truck in my hands, especially as expo build continues and more and more $$$ gets thrown at a great adventure vehicle.


I have both had my vehicle broken into and stolen before. (Separate vehicles). My sheriffs department suggested that the most reliable anti theft device besides a lojack is a well hidden kill switch. On my square body with plastic cover on steering column this is a must. Also don't assume a factory security system to be the end all be all. My cat eye Silverado had one and apparently if the door was even forcibly unlocked it would disengage the alarm. I digress. Besides lojack(and it's more of a locate it when it's been stolen kinda system anyway) for gas trucks a spark kill switch for sure. Killing fuel sending will still allow vehicle to run for a little before the system sucks what it can from the lines. Hope this helps.


Not just trucks; goodies too. A pal came back to his truck, in the bush, to find his 50' lightbar gone. We need more options for fastening stuff to our trucks to make it harder to steal stuff.


Well-known member
Just an FYI. A very simple power interrupt switch to the fuel pump will completely mess a thief up. It looks the part in the cab with full power, but simply will not start. Someone starting and starting a vehicle many times brings many looks as well. They usually leave out of sheer frustration. That and security window film has saved my ass a few times.


Well-known member
My hydra tuner for 7.3 has a no start setting and the tune selector easily detaches and fits in your pocket. Been hearing a lot about 7.3s getting stolen is Southern California.


If it's a manual transmission

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Viking with a Hammer
The "135-246R" transmission. Stops them every time.

-Don't leave your owners manual in your truck when you drop it off for service. Now they have your access code, and address.
-Weld your winch on
-Etch your VIN into the windows. All of those will need replaced to "flip" that truck. Too much work.
-Motion activated lights in your driveway
-Don't get pick pocketed. Everyone thinks we have to break into your car. Sometimes it's easier to just use your keys.
-Keep your head on a swivel at gas stations. You're a good target. Knock you up-side the head, take your keys.
-Avoid campgrounds loaded with poor people, especially around poor people favorite holidays. Or at least stay in line sight of your rig if you absolutely have to camp on holidays.
-Wash your truck. Clean rust free trucks have alarms, not stinky old dodges.
-Switch to laminated security glass. ($$$$, and not much fun for the fire dept, if you're in an accident)
-Keep a Belgian Malinois's favorite tennis ball in your cup holder.
-Do you have one of the early Dodge's with push button start? The ones anyone can start, and drive half a block away before it stalls? Those are easy to tow.
-Park in a manner that's hard for a tow truck to hook up to. (usually it's a manner that'll also get you the most door dings so.....)
-Baby monitor, even a broken one sitting on the dashboard is a serious ******? moment.
-Remove your steering wheel
-Dump all of your shady friends. It's an inside job half the time.

All horse thief's should hang.
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I’ve been using my poor mans lojack for about a year now. I got a refurbished android phone for 60$ and loaded a gps tracking app on it. Then I purchased a 10$ tello prepaid minutes card for it. Wired under dash out of sight. Now, I can track my truck anywhere that has a cell signal. So, for me, I hope my truck does get stolen because it would give me great satisfaction to see that hanging come to be!
There are a million prepaid companies. I selected tello because as of sept their minutes don’t expire. So, it costs about 1.50$ per month to keep the phone active. For some reason it sucks up a few pennies a day even if you don’t use it. Also doubles as an emergency phone!

I live in a “decent” neighborhood. Very low violent crime, but we have our share of sticky fingers. We lose car batteries at times and I always wanted to use this phone trick and hack it into a battery as bait. I asked the local police what they thought about my idea and they said they would be happy to escort me anywhere my phone ends up! They were stoked on the idea.

Now, that only helps for the truck. Contents are another story. Now I’m thinking of next level security when at home, install a motion sense camera in the truck that alerts me if someone is inside. Will only work when on WiFi however. Hmm, maybe my lojack phone can create a hotspot WiFi that the camera can use.......


Alarm, steering wheel lock, kill switch, then GPS but most important insurance. Anything and everythign can be stolen, a simple search on the net you will see how easy it is to break the toughest locks. Make sure everything you have in the vehicle can be replaced, if it cant then dont leave it in the truck. These new keyless entrys electronics can be easily defeated btw.


Well-known member
anyone use a D- shape bike lock around their steering wheel & column shift?

of course it can be picked or cut, but it's a visual & time consuming extra for a thief.

unlocked, it makes a good truncheon, too.


Viking with a Hammer
Don't waste money with GPS and cell devices. They have a very weak signal in a metal container or garage. (amazing that modern cells can work inside of such, at all) Any measly little jammer will be able to block those. Cops can't enter a garage just because your phone is pinging from that location. And you aren't worth getting a warrant for. Unless these criminals have gone violent, or you live in a very boring low crime place, with fully caffeinated cops.

Pro's that can hot wire or tow a truck, are prepared for such. Spend the extra on full coverage insurance.

Amateurs just smash and grab. They rarely go after trucks, because they're just too big and heavy. They only want what's inside the truck. Keep you gear under the seat, and window tint, not such a good idea.

Trucks don't respond to being hot wired anymore. Although, If I'm correct about a modern SD's ECM location, and ECM swap could be quite easy. Not sure if a Ford can start with mismatched serial # data for the trans and body?

Good news, pro's are unarmed, so feel free to remove their teeth when you catch them. (unarmed burglary is 2 years tops, they'll be out in just a month, a nice vacation because your bookie doesn't charge interest while you're jammed up) Most PD's are worthless at catching them. But I'm in a safe area, so...
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Part time fulltimer
Saw some guys in San Antonio break into my Ford 6.0 right quick without setting off alarm, still no idea how they did it without setting off alarm since if I used the key to open the door instead of the keyfob button I'd set it off.

They saw me running toward the truck and jumped into the waiting getaway car and were gone with nothing in hand. Installed a set of Jimmi Jammers after that but if they want to get in they'll get in!

Parked right downtown in a paid lot under lights - they just don't ****** and work as a coordinated team - mechanic, spotter, driver, all dressed up nice and driving a new BMW

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