out with the old in with the new

Overland Hadley

on a journey
I like the hiking pole solution. At some point could you post a close up photo of the bracket/hinge that mounts the hiking pole at the top, thanks.

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
...We had nifty trucks


Well there are some nice looking trucks!


Does anyone else make a good stick on solar panel now? I know that a company named Streamlite has small ones that are called Solarstreams, but they only produce 28 watts each and the most they recommend wiring together are two...


I bought 2 of these 68 watt Unisolar units for $149 each at http://www.soldonweb.com/68-watt-Solar-Panel-Laminate-new-enhanced-version_p_151.html there is some question whether Unisolar still exists, they do, and appear to be in chapter 11. They are $169 now. poke around you'll find 144 and 128 Watt units, but they didn't fit my roof. peel and stick units are flat, light, easy to install, require no air gap under them, expensive, and inefficient.
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Crazy Person
It may just be that people/companies are selling off old UniSolar stock.
I bought five panels myself a while back from a liquidation warehouse for about a hundred bucks a panel. Mind you, I had to pay an equal amount to get them freighted to Australia. :(


heres a cross post from another site of our trip into Washington, sort of goes along with Mike Hiscox's trip and Sarconcepts.

This trip was a mixed bag of tricks, backroads, coolees, lakes, geology, meeting new friends and cool rigs and a bunch of other things.
The plan (as loose as it was) was to wander our way to the Washington/Oregon border to meet some new friends from Expo and drive a few sections of the WABDR, we had six days to do what would normally be a six hour drive and that is the way we travel!
We left on a Saterday and headed towards Osoyoos, crossed the border at Nighthawk and went to Chopaka lake in time for dinner.

This lake was real nice and we stayed for two nights just hanging out de-compressing from a super busy summer at work and home with major house reno's, it was HOT! that would be the main theme of this part of the trip, we hiked a bit but mostly just hung out and swam in the lake.

We needed to start making some headway south so Monday we sort of got going early and continued on the most northerly leg of the WABDR to Concally. Along with a few locals.

Once off the WABDR we headed for our next destination of the Scablands area, youll have to google it, mostly to do with glaciers, massive lakes that were bigger than lake Superior and drained in several hours creating major erosion and the largest waterfalls in the world, and coolees along the Columbia river all the way to the ocean near Portland.

We stopped at the Grand Coolee dam which was pretty coolee

and continued south, like I said it was hot so we stopped near Steamboat Rocks for a swim, Steamboat rocks was created by the erosion of the passing water, like a prow of a boat diverting the water around it to survive the flow.

We found a nice free spot on a peninsula on Banks lake for the night as most of the organised campsites were chock full, much nicer being all by ourselves!

stay tuned for more


Early morning sunrise shot on Banks lake.

We had a slow start just taking in the scenery, we were at the end of a peninsula that jutted out into the lake a ways, nice spot.

we eventually got going. Wind shield shot!

And made our way to Dry Falls, we drove down to the lakes and went for a hike to Green Algae lake and Red Algae lake, as usual we hiked when it was super hot.

Some interesting formations along the way.

Spotted this little arch on our hike, like I said it was hot so we had lunch at SunLakes picnic site, swam and cooled down, then drove over to Deep lake to have a look and go for a dip, that was a nice lake.

Once we were cooled down enough we started south again and climbed up to see Lake Lenore Caves.......in the prime heat of the day!! Once inside the caves it was nice and cool. Back at the parking lot a couple drove in, got out of their airconditioned car, looked up at the walk to the caves in the sweltering heat and got back into the car and sped off.......

we resupplied our dwindling stocks and found our way to our next stop for a few days.... Quincy lakes.



Woken up by another nice sunrise.

We were feeling pretty lazy up til now, mostly lethargic from the heat so a hike to Dusty lake was planned, we started down the wrong way and ended up hiking twice as far as required, and it was hot!
Note the wasp above the sign, we had to move to a different spot because of the wasps.

Interesting basalt columns and wierd flow above it.

Dusty lake, a mini dry falls and pothole with the Columbia river just beyond the lake, we spent some time floating around in perfect temperature water, then did the hot hike outa there!

On the way out we drank all our water and sweat our way back to the camp site and crashed in the shade, man we were beat after that! We have to stop hiking in the heat of the day.

Once the sun went down and it cooled off we Qued up some steaks, we used the outdoor Q and cook top often on our trip and it gets a nod of approval.

It just doesnt get any better than this for us.

Another great sunset thanks to the fires near Wanatchee.



Kodiak Buckaroo
Great photos (and trip)
I've been in awe of your truck since the first days of it's build and now I get to be in awe of your trips.
BTW, I have to love this sign's construction.
Big I beam and 1/4"+ angle iron, it sure says, "go ahead, shoot me if you like ricochets"
View attachment 183986


Great photos (and trip)
I've been in awe of your truck since the first days of it's build and now I get to be in awe of your trips.
BTW, I have to love this sign's construction.
Big I beam and 1/4"+ angle iron, it sure says, "go ahead, shoot me if you like ricochets"
View attachment 183986

yeah we liked the signs, only ones we saw with no bullet holes in them, thanks for the compliments too!


Looks like a great trip, all places I would like to explore.

Hey Greg, there is so much to see out there and making time to get out there is the hardest part of it all, Washington had many nice places to see, was sure surprised at the vastness of the dry area in eastern Wa for sure, so it was nice to sit by a few lakes everywhere to cool off, now that Im home I havent seen the sun since monday!


We hung out at Quincy lakes until late in the afternoon and from there we headed for Bridge of the Gods to a marine park where we were to meet our new internet friends.

The drive was not very interesting other than the wind turbines on out way.

We got to the campsite at the marine park where we paid for our first night of camping, and lucky us we were right next to a train track so we got lots of sleep! We did have an awesome sunset there though, no photoshop here!

The following morning the crew started to arrive, first Steve and Bethany with their two crazy dogs in the Bullet XV!

Then Mike in his awesome earthroamer/Hiscox conversion. Note the guy behind his truck checking it out.

After some initial meet and greets and gawking at these amazing works of art we hit the trail, first section of the WABDR!

It didn't take long to notice that we were the tallest rigs to pass through here this year, I managed to squeeze by a few branches but mike needed Steve to do some gardening, I believe it was just after this that we heard Mike mumble something like "I've gone and made my jeep taller than the Fuso"

Steve using the Jeep to do some trimming.

Then Steve zipped up the tree and did precarious dangling and chainsawing at another bad section, at this point we were thinking it might take a week just to get through the first section! I think I was telling Steve here not to cut the branch he was standing on!

Finally getting to a bit of a clearing for lunch and a further gawk at the rigs.

Dog at play, she was a real speedster and I loved watching her get out of the camper first thing in the mornings and go like heck!

Here's a typical view out the front windshield.

And our first view of a mountain, I had visions of these incredible vistas all along the WABDR but it was very limited, we spent most of our time in what Les called jungle!

Steve and Bethany's punk rocker dog with a mohawk dyed purple, just seemed to fit with his personality, he made himself at home in my rig.


Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
yippie! More more more please... :)

Great shots, and very jealous of your trip! I am SO SO looking forward to taking a few trips when I get home. For now I live vicariously through people like yourselves.

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