Rock lights


Expedition Leader
So what are you guys doing for rock lights if at all? I am thinking about those pro burner wal mart specials and adding some sealer to water proof them. Thay are like $15 a pr. Some of the local guys have been using those with success but didn't know if anyone else had a better idea.

I plan on 2 behind the front bumper facing down. 2 in the middle of the slider area and 2 in behind the rear tires. for a total of 6


I got mine at NortherTool

Also check



Expedition Poseur
I was going to build some LED rocklights for my jeep. I got as far as making the circuit boards and soldering in the resistors and LED's...but ran into problems getting an affordable, water proof solution to house the whole thing (in small quantities). I still have the boards around here somewhere....

I would consider LED's for the simple reason that they draw such little power....too many incandescent lamps and you might be putting a drain on your electrical system when you are idling over the rocks. Well, that and WallyWorld is going to be the downfall of this nation. But we won't go into that again.:exclaim:


I use the same Petersen rubber tractor lights, two for the front mounted on the corner "pocket" of the ARB, two for the back mounted on the frame under the sliders.

I don't purposely do a lot of night wheeling but having been stuck on the trail for one reason or another many times, I consider them invaluable. They also help when doing repairs under the truck at night and even when driving in convoy after dusk.


aventurero, Overland Certified OC0012
Several months ago, these guys had some nice LED lights for a rock-light application, but when I checked today it looks like they no longer carry them. Strange.

The current rock lights I have are some $20/pr cheapies from Checker Auto. Of the 4, two of them are not working due to water damage. Time for me to get some better waterproof rock lights...


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
I have had RoundEyes LED rock lights bookmarked on my computer for a while now. Currently their site is undergoing maintence, but check it out. Below is a stolen thread from TTORA that demonstrates their capability:

WATRD said:
Okay, this eight of the white "Ultimate" LED's installed as rocklights. One in front of each front tire, one in back of each front tire, one in front of each rear tire and one over each differential.







Active member
flyingwil said:
I have had RoundEyes LED rock lights bookmarked on my computer for a while now. Currently their site is undergoing maintence, but check it out. Below is a stolen thread from TTORA that demonstrates their capability:

I just bought a budbar from WATRD last month!!!! Great guy!! He has a great setup for a truck....His rock lights are tied into his alarm on his truck where all he has to do is hit a button on his keyless remote.....and "Show time!!!" Come to find out that he has the same alarm as i do.....Python.....Going to add that mod to the rocks lights when that time comes around....He's got a great website!!!!



Active member
Nullifier said:
So what are you guys doing for rock lights if at all? I am thinking about those pro burner wal mart specials and adding some sealer to water proof them. Thay are like $15 a pr. Some of the local guys have been using those with success but didn't know if anyone else had a better idea.

I plan on 2 behind the front bumper facing down. 2 in the middle of the slider area and 2 in behind the rear tires. for a total of 6


What did you come up with???

My rock lights are coming soon!!!

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