Snow Peak Addiction


Not entirely SP though I did a little lunch cook the other day with our IKEA ‘Hobo Stove’

Steak, Ginger Tea and Marshmallows for dessert



The stove is a modified IKEA cutlery bucket. Stainless Steel and makes a great little biomass cooking option. Easily heats a cast pan and boils 1lt of water in around 6 min.
Cheap and very effective.



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I was looking at that little stove and I thought hey that looks like my... yup it is! Great idea!


I was looking at that little stove and I thought hey that looks like my... yup it is! Great idea!

Ha thanks mate. Yep it’s a little ripper and for only a few dollars I don’t think you can get better bang for buck.

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What a tasty looking meal!

Inquiring minds want to know though: Did the titanium spork make the cast iron pan possible?



At this stage I’ve just been using angle I had lying around. I’m going to revisit and make a trivet type base stand from Aluminium.

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So I found a few hrs to have some shed time today. I used a bit of 3mm Aluminium plate and made some new trivets for the Hobo Stove.



I decided not to cut a feed port in the side of this one. As I made the top trivet taller you can direct feed sticks into the top of the stove. For the test run I started on Biomass then dropped a couple lumps of charcoal in. It burned for over 30min with a consistent heat coming off.


These really are a fun little stove to play around with that really pack a punch.

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New member
Can anyone who owns the recently released Grill Burner comment on its heat output in respect of cooking results? Only 7000 BTU makes me worried that it is too weak to do any serious searing. Would also appreciate comments on the ease of cleaning and sticking properties of the cast iron.


Can anyone who owns the recently released Grill Burner comment on its heat output in respect of cooking results? Only 7000 BTU makes me worried that it is too weak to do any serious searing. Would also appreciate comments on the ease of cleaning and sticking properties of the cast iron.

Haven’t used it myself. It’s marketed as a slow cook option. If your doing thinly sliced highly marbled meat like the Japanese prefer it would be ideal. I doubt it would cut the mustard for a Rib Steak or the like.
As far as the cast goes if it’s anything like their Dutch Oven range you will never have an issue with food sticking.

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Outside, Coffee and Snow Peak Ti...



Everything tastes better in Titanium

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RE: SP’s New Kitchen Stand Initial Review

This is a continuation on my previous posts regards to the new kitchen stand. After assembling my setup, including some of the accessories and 2 cookouts, I have some additional thoughts about it.

Thank you very much for the review. I've asked SP directly but nothing back yet. Do you have a photo of it as it would be transported?

Thank you,



lost on the mainland
going to be selling my complete snow peak setup bags included :) the canvas carry bag is super nice
photo of it in use camping

so partner stove I adapted the griddle you see here along with the magma and the SP charcoal from my signature link the 4 space IGT the windscreen the two bamboo tables my adj legs(not in this pic) I made all the extra legs and pieces quite a few I never finished :)
a few other odds and ends the stainless inserts stainless height adj (in this pic) for the one side table and the stainless end table pieces like these (not in this pic above)
snowpeak IGT tray

will pull everything out ASAP and quicker if someone is seriously curious :)
get some good current pics
have to come up with a price just busy with work life :) so more a heads up :)
want to move it all together at first before I start breaking it up cause I know that will get asked
I might break it up into certain pieces together ?
I live in PHX so local pickup I would ship at just cost of shipping how someone wanted and I can pack really well since I am from Maui I know how to pack for shipping :) hahahahahahah

also my landlock tent and ground mat and roof cover asking $1200 obo for that

why someone might ask ? getting back to super simple basics is why
my plan have my kids make alcohol stoves get some nice backpack pots teach them how to do that self reliant camping cooking so they have those skills and more super simple gear ? we shall see


If anyone is interested in this unopened (Japan only, not available in the US) LH-103KH. They work as both a ottoman or firewood holder. I thought I purchased 4 but ended up purchasing and having shipped 5 of them. So don't need one. Message me. Will sell for the Japanese price of 100.00 USD. You need to pay for shipping or if the in the Bay area, I can arrange to pickup in the South Bay. (Chair in photo for usage purpose/ not for sale).



New member
Has anyone tried out the Uniflame Stretcher? Any good?


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