Stolen TW200


Expedition Leader
A 2019 Yamaha TW200 with only a few miles on it stolen from my Patio 4-29 at 2am. Unfortunately my camera decided to stop recording in March :( Only mod is the addition of handle bar guards.



Expedition Leader
General region? Sorry to hear. I just upgraded a first generation Ring camera to the current stuff. Wow better and more features. I have 3, two solar bird house err cameras that are awesome and the door bell camera. Integration with Alexa and a smart light switch has really made lighting options and control super easy!! Highly recommend. My outside lights all are large decorative big fixtures former owners spent $1000’s on lights/ fixtures. When on I light up the whole damn street lol. Late night wanderers all do a 180 or head for dark spots when they come on. ?


Expedition Leader
Sorry about omitting location. Sacramento, CA. I still don't why one of the cameras didn't record. Its set record over old footage. I put in a new SD card so its working now. Pays to check those cameras often. A camera near the bike but not pointed at it did catch some motion and you can see the security lights come on. I think they were pros or certainly very good amateurs as you hear absolutely no noise recorded. What really sucks is my brother told me to chain it to my Jeep and I intended to, I just never got around to it.


I come in Peace
That's messed up. Thieves Suck!

Who would steal a TDub?

I'll keep an eye out here in SF for all it's worth. Hope you get it back.


Expedition Leader
Easy Bay will keep an eye out. ? Sucks probably in Stockton area based on other friends who found missing bikes.


Expedition Leader
I have my bike back. Missing the seat. Ignition switch removed but wires not cut. Yay. Horrible spray paint all over it. Could be worse. A lot worse. The impound company, if I didn't want to go to jail... If I ever see the fat man teetering over a cliff I'll give it a push.

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