Wanderings along Hwy 2, Michigan U.P to Idaho


Walmart Adventure Camper
In a few days we will be starting three week of wanderings along Hwy 2, (the northern most US Highway) through Michigan U.P, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Idaho.
We don't do a lot of pre-planning, pick a direction, stay off of Interstate/Major Highways and let the back-roads and interesting terrain be our guides. Will also spend a week or so of the trip searching out Ghost Towns in North Dakota.
I'll update this thread with pictures and commentary as we ramble along with the Limo Bus and Jeep.
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Walmart Adventure Camper
Thanks Steve.... That's the kind of stuff we stop for.
This is our third Hwy 2 Trip. Out of all the many cross country jaunts we've taken, Hwy 2 is in the top 10.
No spectacular scenery until Glacier N.P. but the desolate small towns and ruins of homesteads in North Dakota and Montana are outstanding.
We're now in Eagle River, WI (north central) and are delaying the start west for a more few days.


When you get to Ashland, you'll do well to grab 13 through Bayfield and Port Wing. Lots of nice scenery up that way.

Also, if you have time - the forest roads in the northern part of the Chequamegon NF are pretty fun as well. You could blow a half day driving 13 from Ashland to Cornucopia and then bringing the FR back down to 2.

Lots of neat areas up that way.
Sounds great! I'll be on the Hwy 2 stretch between Williston, ND and Glacier in a couple days. Might see you around!

I spent last night in the northern unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It's right off Hwy 85/200, about 10 miles south of Watson, ND. It lies on the Little Missouri River, and the views are pretty nice. Camping is $10.00, unless you have the senior pass. Anyways, if you all are looking for a cheap place to camp, that may be an option. Watson is booming like crazy because of the oil boom here, and it's interesting to see all the work camps setup everywhere. Lots of trucks too, and there are usually lines at the fuel stations.

Anyways, interesting place to see.


Walmart Adventure Camper
When you get to Ashland, you'll do well to grab 13 through Bayfield and Port Wing. Lots of nice scenery up that way.

Also, if you have time - the forest roads in the northern part of the Chequamegon NF are pretty fun as well. You could blow a half day driving 13 from Ashland to Cornucopia and then bringing the FR back down to 2.

Lots of neat areas up that way.

You got that right! Two years ago did a loop from Ashland, Bayshore, Madeline Island, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Superior then back east on Hwy 2.

The Town Campground at Sand Bay by the Apostle Islands was an unexpected treat.

Watch out for the Red Cliff Native Americans, they made it known to us, that we were not welcomed at their tribal/ceremonial overlook of Lake Superior. I think it was just a few younger guys that were having a little fun with us, but they sure scared the hell out of my Wife.


Walmart Adventure Camper
Sounds great! I'll be on the Hwy 2 stretch between Williston, ND and Glacier in a couple days. Might see you around!

I spent last night in the northern unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It's right off Hwy 85/200, about 10 miles south of Watson, ND. It lies on the Little Missouri River, and the views are pretty nice. Camping is $10.00, unless you have the senior pass. Anyways, if you all are looking for a cheap place to camp, that may be an option. Watson is booming like crazy because of the oil boom here, and it's interesting to see all the work camps setup everywhere. Lots of trucks too, and there are usually lines at the fuel stations.

Anyways, interesting place to see.

Thanks for the info. Can't miss our Rig, hail us down if you spot us!
Northwestern North Dakota should be interesting, with the oil boom. A friend that is working in the area, said the housing is in such short supply, that Oil workers are even squatting in the area's many long abandoned homesteads.


Walmart Adventure Camper
Day 1 and 2 MI-UP, WI, ND


Sunday morning, at Sunday Lake. Wakefield MI-UP

How far away are you, from Sunday Lake?

Gitche Gumee doesn't give up her dead. Ashland WI

Two Virgin trees eying up each other. Lost 40. MN

MN ND border

Anti Ballistic Missile - Safe Guard Radar Pyramid, Nekoma ND.

Nice Expo Bumper! Conway ND

Class of '54

Class of '54 had a Fish for its Mascot? ...those crazy kids

Conway ND

Vandals stole the handles. Conway ND

Conway ND

Hensel ND
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Walmart Adventure Camper
Day 3 ND

Hit a few more ND Ghost towns and Almost Ghost towns. Had some great talks with locals about their 'almost' Ghost towns history. Very friendly people.

Hannah, which was a Canadian Border boom town, but lost most it's population during the Depression/Dust-Bowl years. It took a big hit again in the 50's when the rail-road tracks servicing the town were pulled up.

In contrasts to still die'in Northeast town of Hannah, the Oil Boom Northwest Ghost town of Flaxton is making a comeback.


Dresden ND

Hannah ND


Greasy Garage, Hannah ND

This fine establishment, didn't make a go of it as Bank or Tavern.


Along with the Oil Boom, Real Estate in Flaxston is sellin again.

Thunk'in this fabulous back yard clinched the deal.

and this place next to the above 'sold' property is still on the market! Plus both properties come with a nice collection of backyard artifacts.
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Walmart Adventure Camper
Nice work and great pics.

I need to drag the wife up there this autumn.


My wife gave me one more day of pounding out 100s of miles on gravel roads in ND looking at Crop Fields in search of Ghost Towns, she wants to get to Montana, so we can pound out 100s of miles on dirt roads, looking at Cattle and Range Land while in route to view mountains, wild flowers, pine trees and wild critters.

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Walmart Adventure Camper
Day 4 Western ND and Montana

Stopped at a few more 'almost' Ghost towns in western ND. Today driving along Hwy 5 and Hwy 2 in Northern Montana on our way to Glacier NP.


After seeing thousands of Oil Rigs all across the Western States, this is the first time we ever saw a new one.


Camped here last last night.

This is guarding....


Yeah sure, like that sign is going to stop them injured Ghost Basketball players from suing the Ghost High School at the Ghost Court House.





Walmart Adventure Camper
Day 5 Glacier NP

I won't bore our Gentle readers with my hack attempts of picture perfect, post card type photos of Glacier NP, instead I'll put my own Spin on the Official National Park Global Warming Spin.

Global Warming hoax exposed at Glacier NP!
There are many modern official displays at Glacier NP that document Climate Change, with side by side pictures, taken decades apart, that show the glaciers receding. There are also other old displays, documenting the History of Glacier NP.
Below are two photos. My photo of an old photo from a History of the Park display, taken in 1920 at the "Many Glaciers Lodge" and also a photo, I took today of the same mountains.
Compare the two photos, note the smaller mountain on the left. The snow pattern is exactly the same.
I suspect that at the modern version of "Chickens Little's the Sky is Falling" Climate Change displays, to document receding glaciers, they are using photos take decades apart, but from years with different annual snow falls, different annual temperatures and photos taken at different times of the year.
I would also speculate, that based on the photo from the 1920 History of the Park display and my photo today of the same mountains, that 1920 and 2012 had very similar annual temperatures and snow falls.



Above is an example of the many display boards, found at each National Park facility throughout the Park, to document the effects of Global Warming.
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Tim B.
When we were at Glacier NP a few years ago, the park ranger stated the glaciers would soon be gone due to the natural recession of glaciers created during the last ice age But what she used to indicate abnormal global warming was all the dead and dying trees. This was occurring due to the insects actually having a second generation each year because of the extended time it was warm enough for them to sustain life. How do the trees look, especially around Lake St. Mary?
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