What do you use for a truck gun?


Forking Icehole
I have yet to find anywhere that is free of crime. Being in law enforcement I find most people simply dont know about how much crime is taking place in their area.
That's probably true in florida as a whole, I can tell you that in my town the B&E and burglary rates are way down compared to vegas or reno, just another reason I love my area and wouldn't live anywhere else, my neighborhood has had 2 vehicle burglaries in the last year and both were a 16 year old who was caught, before that it's been years since and a home burglary hasn't happened nearby here for years!


Alien gear had some pretty cool velcro holster mounts when I was browsing the other day. I can totally see mounting one under the seat or dash to hold ccw in easy reach while driving.


For the sake of discussion, or at least one of the tangents of this discussion, I think the question of what is a truck gun is pertinent.

I had always believed:

-A truck gun is not a pistol, as that's something for on body (even if you stow it in the vehicle)
*As is often the case in discussions here and elsewhere some folks tend to drift towards pistols a great deal which is interesting to me since a pistol is far less useful than a long gun for most situations but that's a different discussion.
-A truck gun should be cheap enough that it bouncing around in a vehicle isn't a problem since it isn't an investment safe queen. Derivations of this include being cheap enough that if the unfortunate occurs and it is stolen or seized it isn't a significant loss.
-A truck gun should be handy; ie it can be accessed if needed but as discreet as possible based off your common environment.

Other obvious things like reliability, ease of ammo acquisition, etc all come to mind but are just facets.

Maybe I'm just off base, but the above is generally what I started with when answering what I use as a truck gun.

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Expedition Leader
you're right, Ray, in that the whole 'truck gun' is pretty much a rural / farmer thing to begin with. For dispatching injured livestock or predators or vermin. The gun would typically live in the truck, in a rifle rack. Nowadays to context on most gun or prepper boards is more about responding to criminal acts. But the general concept is similar. A long arm that can take some abuse / neglect, typically not of high value for those reasons and in case of theft (I'll bypass the argument about leaving a gun in a vehicle 24/7), reasonably accurate (1-4mils) (it's intended use isn't for long-range shooting, typically 100yds or less)
My uncle Mike worked crop-spraying in Imperial Valley CA decades ago and kept a beat up AR7 under the seat of his pickup. Every time my family passed thru to visit on the way to some new duty station, I'd get to shoot that hunk of crap in farm fields all over.

These days one can build a very decent basic AR-15 for <$400. A stripped lower and a rifle kit from Palmetto State Armory. Far cheaper than even the Mini-14 'Ranch Rifle' which was a pinnacle of sorts for rural 'truck guns' for a lot of years. If it wasn't just a Nylon66 or some pump .22 or a .410 shotgun


I would add the below, although it may be self evident useful, for a variety of tasks

Which why I have a short barreled pump shotgun works for predator defense, as well if need be hunting just by changing ammo.
It is good multi purpose tool.

I understand the whole handgun thing but outside the US carrying a hand gun is generally not a option, long guns and shot guns are fair more likely to be an option.

For the sake of discussion, or at least one of the tangents of this discussion, I think the question of what is a truck gun is pertinent.

I had always believed:

-A truck gun is not a pistol, as that's something for on body (even if you stow it in the vehicle)
*As is often the case in discussions here and elsewhere some folks tend to drift towards pistols a great deal which is interesting to me since a pistol is far less useful than a long gun for most situations but that's a different discussion.
-A truck gun should be cheap enough that it bouncing around in a vehicle isn't a problem since it isn't an investment safe queen. Derivations of this include being cheap enough that if the unfortunate occurs and it is stolen or seized it isn't a significant loss.
-A truck gun should be handy; ie it can be accessed if needed but as discreet as possible based off your common environment.

Other obvious things like reliability, ease of ammo acquisition, etc all come to mind but are just facets.

Maybe I'm just off base, but the above is generally what I started with when answering what I use as a truck gun.

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Expedition Leader
A “good friend of mine” who’s retired military was able to buy a very nice DPMS tactical rifle at the PX last year for under $400, FWIW.
I've seen S&W M&P 15 versions going for similarly low prices lately as well. It seems to be relatively easy to get affordable AR15s the last year or more. Gun sales are still staying high in recent years. They soared in 2008 and haven't really slackened much. Articles earlier this year show Americans are buying over 2 million firearms a MONTH. Nov-Dec and Apr-May are the typical annual spikes, but the overall year over year numbers keep climbing more sharply, the last 10yrs+


Hillbilly of Leisure
Yea. Lots.

But seriously, I get the aesthetic of one but practicality is nearly zero.

This whole thread is full of Fudd crap. And it exceptionally tiering

Everyone in here should have a striker fired double stack 9mm in either compact or full size. Only from a reliable platform like Glock, S&W M&P, HK, FN, or even Sig.

The only exception should be a rifle in moose and bear country.

And if you leave your gun in the truck, you’re a problem.

Don’t be a DA. Don’t leave your gun in a vehicle you’re not in.

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So, to paraphrase your response...a rifle isn't practical for defense and 9mm handguns are "where it's at"?

I would imagine your opinion on this matter might be considered to be an odd point of view to a lot of people. Clint Smith for instance might disagree with you.

Or, was this post a joke?

I will say though, the only firearm I've ever lost was stolen out of my vehicle while I was at work. What I learned is that you NEVER leave a pistol in your car unattended. Unless it's made out of plastic. If you are lucky...someone WILL steal it. :LOL:


Lunchbox Lockers
Marlin 30-30 usually does the trick for me. Sticker on the 336BL I'm running now is a little high but it was a gift and it is a tool so...

I also have a soft spot for Mossberg pump 20's. I'm left handed and the Mossberg is as close to ambidextrous as you can get, 20 doesn't hurt the shoulder burning through boxes of shells!

I usually keep a LCP 380 in my pocket. For close up encounters a knife is just as good.


So, to paraphrase your response...a rifle isn't practical for defense and 9mm handguns are "where it's at"?

I would imagine your opinion on this matter might be considered to be an odd point of view to a lot of people. Clint Smith for instance might disagree with you.

Or, was this post a joke?

I will say though, the only firearm I've ever lost was stolen out of my vehicle while I was at work. What I learned is that you NEVER leave a pistol in your car unattended. Unless it's made out of plastic. If you are lucky...someone WILL steal it. :LOL:

I didn’t say that in the least.

A rifle is fantastic, and preferred, for defense. But that Marlin you posted would be very difficult to conceal and not be a very wise choice for defense due to a number of reasons. Plus, as we agree, leaving it in the car is foolish.

The post is intended to show the absurdity of this thread as a whole and how ridiculous some people’s “truck guns” are.

Look at the end of the day, if you can conceal an AK AND keep it securely locked up if it’s not on your person more power to you, but I prefer to always keep my firearm in my possession or locked in my safe at home. Therefore, I choose a 9mm handgun for carry wether in my truck or out.

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