Where/how often do you shower?


Now I'm not talking about in your every day life here. I am talking about when on a trip and not staying in hotels. I read all of the trip reports that I can and see a lot of folks gone for weeks or months on end. I would love to do this one day, for at least a few weeks, living out of my vehicle with a sleeping platform and all that jazz. My question is how often do you usually go without showering, and when you do, where does this shower take place? Sorry for a silly question if it is indeed a silly question.


Mornings and bedtime. Im sorry but I like to be clean. :sombrero:

I also wear tucked in shirts on the trail and have real silverwear and flatware. So roughing it is not my area.


I am a daily showerer as well as we all should be lol. But if you are on a long trip, where are you showering twice a day. ?

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
I try and get at least one shower a week. (when out rambling around:snorkel:)

What I do in between, is use unscented 'baby' wipes, and wash up in the tent/rig/behind a tarp.

I know that in places like Moab*, and areas of Colorado, there are areas you can get a hot shower for a few bucks.

Having been a Pipefitter, and working in hot places like boiler houses and paper mills, I had to have a shower after work!

But while in the service, you get used to going without a daily shower, and sometimes even weekly showers.

That's where I started using the 'baby' wipes. Not as satisfying as a nice hot shower, but it gets the job done.

Solar showers work OK, if you're in a warm place. Otherwise, like at the cabin, I use a tank on top the woodshed, it has a garden hose sprinkler head on it, and I fill it with water heated on the stove.

Hope to have the suana built next year:coffeedrink:

* The grocery store in Moab (City Market) has a list of places that offer hot showers.


I am a daily showerer as well as we all should be lol. But if you are on a long trip, where are you showering twice a day. ?

At camp. I have a portible shower stall. My wife got me in the 2 shower a day habit and its hard to break. I carry alot of water if I dont have a water source. But we always camp by rivers or pond.


New member
Zodi extreme and a pop up porta shelter. 1...or maybe 2 times a week. It does have a way of invigorating you.


At camp. I have a portible shower stall. My wife got me in the 2 shower a day habit and its hard to break. I carry alot of water if I dont have a water source. But we always camp by rivers or pond.

I'll admit. If I had enough time to shower in the morning, I definately would. I sleep until the last possible minute lol.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Being an amputee I have to sit to shower which makes things tough...
So I normally either use the baby wipes each night before bed or will take advantage of the hot water system on the Sportsmobile to do a rag wipe down.

Then about once a week I can manage to put together a longer stay and setup the rear shower on the Sportmobile and use the folding toliet as a shower seat.

I hope to get my wife out more which will mean daily or every other day showers for sure, but with 16gal of water on board I am ok with that.


I'll admit. If I had enough time to shower in the morning, I definately would. I sleep until the last possible minute lol.

I get up at 8:30 and shes up by 10am which gives me time to have my coffee, take my shower, and pack everything up but the tent and shower. After she showers I pack up the last couple things and we are moving by 11am.

I make time up in my driving. :sombrero:


I was in the Marines in Desert Storm. I cracked-up at this letter that my sister sent me saying how cool it was that they had these trucks come around to the troops with these portable showers. At the time it had been 4 months since my last shower. We went 6 months total. Daily hygiene consisted of brushing teeth, washing hair, and using a rag with warm water and a bar of soap to get the important crevices cleaned. Once you're out there, you'd be amazed how little you really need. As my wife likes to say, "Americans are so obsessed with bathing." I will say that just daily washing of your face, brushing teeth, then once a week, really thorough sponge bath is all that is needed. This is my experience.


Being an amputee I have to sit to shower which makes things tough...
So I normally either use the baby wipes each night before bed or will take advantage of the hot water system on the Sportsmobile to do a rag wipe down.

Then about once a week I can manage to put together a longer stay and setup the rear shower on the Sportmobile and use the folding toliet as a shower seat.

I hope to get my wife out more which will mean daily or every other day showers for sure, but with 16gal of water on board I am ok with that.
Agree, the usefulness of baby wipes could not be overstated!!!


baby wipes rock!

however, i've also found these are tough, very wet, and work even better: http://www.rei.com/product/730067

sometimes i use cheap unscented baby wipes to get the major dirt off, then one or 2 of those for final cleaning.

of course portable shower systems are great when you have the time to setup and/or the water available! working on a hot water shower system for the jeep right now.


baby wipes rock!

however, i've also found these are tough, very wet, and work even better: http://www.rei.com/product/730067

sometimes i use cheap unscented baby wipes to get the major dirt off, then one or 2 of those for final cleaning.

of course portable shower systems are great when you have the time to setup and/or the water available! working on a hot water shower system for the jeep right now.

I'll keep that in mind. The reviews look great!


I feel pretty gross the first week, but by the next week Its all good and I feel fine.


We use our Solar "Road Shower"

We shower once a day using our Solar heated "Road Shower". We use a portable 12v air compressor to pressurize the Road shower and it is nice having some sort of shower capability. We use it for just about all of our water needs while camping or on the road.

The number one reason to have some sort of shower setup is too keep the wife happy! I have learned that if she is miserable while camping then I will be miserable while camping, on the road home, at home, and the rest of the week!! Been there, done that, learned from it!! :)LOL!! :oops::camping:

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