Window Tint - Pros/Cons/Opinions/Examples


Central Scrutinizer
My guy uses Llumar Formula One Pinnacle on my junk. It is the film with some ceramic stuff in it.


Living in sunny SoCal, I think tint is a necessity both from a heat and security perspective. That said however, I wouldn't tint my front windows very much, as visibility at night is of high concern, and the tint will definitely make a difference.

I personally went with Formula One film, installed by The Tint Pros. 70% front, and 15% rear (which combined with the factory tint yields about 8-10%, i.e. Limo) and I couldn't be happier. Heat is drastically reduced, especially in a car with a black interior, and a fishbowl level of window space. It's also impossible to see into the back seat or cargo area at night, which when parking in LA, makes a huge difference. Visibility while driving at night through the front two is still excellent, and out the back is reduced, but once you get used to it, not dangerous.

Here's a picture:

p nut

Not sure why some think "tint" automatically means 5% limo tint. As illustrated by the first post, they come in many different shades. Law here is 50% front and whatever you want back. I personally think 50% is a great balance between nighttime visibility and sun protection. In my commuter, I went 30% all around, as it cuts down a noticeable amount in heat reduction, while being able to see just fine under city lights at night. The LC got 50% front, as anything less, I think it compromises night visibility in the backcountry.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Carbon XP Suntek

Wicked heat blocking, to the point that I will put in on every vehicle I own going forward as long as I live somewhere like Phoenix :)

And I can see out of it at night just fine because I didn't have to go very dark and yet still have all the heat blocking.
I will try to ad a pic later, can't from work :(


Expedition Leader
I've found really dark tint to be an inconvenience and even a hazard when driving off-road at night. Really hard to see and maneuver in tight quarters or empty fields when there are things you don't want to hit. Even with a lot of lighting it's sometimes worse, your vision gets blown out looking ahead, you try to look thru dark tinted side or rear windows and you can't see ****. Or worse a mirror-reflection of your brightly lit front view.

That said I have some ~55% tint on my windows, too damned hot otherwise.


Not quite expo...

15%- fantastic during the day and terrifying at night. You need to be super careful changing lanes/ turning. I was always paranoid that I'd run a kid over in a crosswalk and would usually roll them down/ drive super slow.
*Not my house*

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Aventurero de la Selva
With so much glass on a RRC, tint is not optional. 20% rears and 30% on fronts (state compliant)



Aventurero de la Selva
Thanks, it was a great truck, until the block sleeves slipped.... The tint made for a cool ride (both temp and style) in the summer.

We also run hi heat reflection (more mirror like) tint our FZJ80 in Costa Rica. Makes a huge difference. Also helps keeping honest people honest by not being able to see what is in the back.

I wont say tint is "best mod ever", but it brings more value than just "bling"



I completely get the concept behind protecting the inside of the vehicle with tint and keeping things cooler both temperature wise and appearance factor. However, I had a tinted out work vehicle for a bit and I just plain old couldn't see all that well day or night. I think I'm with the no tint crowd, but I don't live in a year round sunshine state.

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